About Us

The Social Planning Network of Ontario (SPNO) is a coalition of social planning councils (SPC), community development councils (CDC), resource centres, and planning committees located in various communities throughout Ontario. Each of the individual organizations has their own mandates but are connected in the cause of effecting change on social policies, conditions, and issues.


The Social Planning Network of Ontario has existed since 1991. There has been different leadership at different times according to the availability of resources for individual Social Planning organizations. A traditional relationship of support and sharing of resources rather than one of control has existed over the past 10 years. The Ontario Social Development Council and the Community Social Planning Council of Toronto have played strong leadership roles in keeping SPNO alive and well. Other social planning organizations have moved into and out of leadership roles as well. The growth of the Network has been steady and has contributed to the overall stability of social planning in Ontario.



Our vision is to be a strong, effective catalyst for positive social change by promoting social planning in Ontario.



The Social Planning Network of Ontario exists to strengthen the capacity of voluntary, community-based social planning organizations to:

  • share knowledge and skills,
  • promote social justice and human rights,
  • provide a common voice to influence policy development and implementation, and
  • improve quality of life and community well-being.



The term SPO refers to an organization that:

  • has a community-based membership
  • is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors, the majority of whom are elected by the membership
  • is accountable to the community through its membership
  • in its mandate, membership and governance, strives to reflect the diversity of the community in which it operates
  • has a mandate compatible with the general purpose and goals of the Social Planning Network of Ontario

A SPO may be involved in any number of the following activities as defined by its mandate and the needs of its community:

  • development/coordination/evaluation of human services
  • social research
  • social planning
  • community development
  • sharing of information
  • public education
  • advocacy
  • facilitating public participation in planning and decision-making
  • social policy analysis and development


Information about Social Planning


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